
Who we are

We are a group of crafters, makers, designers, engineers, architects and artists who believe that making is about sharing. Therefore we joined forces and started to co-create an interdisciplinary and collaborative working space.

CLUJ MAKERSPACE is a place where anyone should be able to make anything, at any time, out of (almost) any material. Our main goal is to allow members from any domain to work with almost any material and share their knowledge and skills with the entire community to cultivate the engineering-oriented approach and a spirit of creativity and DIY (do it yourself), as well as to revive the more traditional forms of crafting.

We think that sciences, art and the DIY culture are fundamental for individual empowerment as well as for collective change. As an incubator for the emerging creative businesses economy, Makerspaces have already permitted the creation of innovative projects and creative entrepreneurship worldwide. Our mission is to promote and sustain the democratization of design, engineering, fabrication and also children’s education. Hands-on, playful experiments like building robots, applications, gadgets and smart objects are our portal to the dreamland where we all use our imagination, develop our self-esteem and agility to render the future possible today.

Our story

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Little Geeks

Pentru ca scoala ne invata prea multa teorie iar copiii invata mai repede prin experimente si joaca. Pentru ca vrem sa stimulam interesul copiilor pentru stiinta, robotica si inginerie prin […]

Testing Tweeting Typing

Cluj Makers testing the prototype of the Twitter Typewriter we will be showing off at ‪#‎TEDxEroilor‬ ‪#‎daretofail‬

Makers at Electric Castle

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